Thursday, October 22, 2009


We are glad you have come to the Church of the Open Mind.

This is a not an ordinary church. As well we could call it a temple, a mosque, an alter, a database of creative information, or a space that suggests that every place is holy.

This earth, this planet that has given us life, orbiting a sun that gives us light, is a temple of creation. We hope to someday have some locations for us all to come together in person, to expand our minds together, to become the best servants of Creation that we can be, or to become the best Creators that we can be, but for now, here we are together on the internet. We look forward to meeting you in life. May you be blessed.

Monday, June 29, 2009


There are many different levels of reality. On one level, things really don't look so good around here. Humanity is wreaking havoc and destruction on each other and other life on this planet, and the fastest way to cut our carbon emissions is to just lay on down and die. But do we really know what is going on down here, or are we seeing with a limited perspective? Are we in a position that we cannot even imagine our way out of? Are we influenced by our limited understanding as mortal human beings, looking around us, habituated by thousands of years of out of date conceptions of reality which our religions and actions in the past have left us with?

There is more going on than what we see. We are all, all of us temporary matter, the rocks and trees, the lizards and monkeys, we're all just orbiting around the sun, right? Floating in the midst of infinities of universes, trapped in time, and the illusion of separation? So we whipsaw and jabberwalk and complain; and build spaceships and sell bottled water. And Why? Maybe because we had to. Maybe we had to do everything we did. Maybe we had to make all the mistakes we made. Maybe we had to hit the wall of madness.

Because of what is, how can it not be? We can define existence, and the source of existence in many different ways. We can call the Source a just God, an angry God, a loving God, a perfect God, an imperfect God. We can define It with all the human attributes we want. It is what it is. And we are what we are. But do we know what we are? Do we really know? Or are we stuck in past contextualizations of ourselves?

There are no rules of the open mind, but there are suggestions. Our goal should be to help prevent the psychosis of unchecked belief in a limited form of reality which can cause the blindness of humans, and can hide ourselves from our own potentialities. The first suggestion is to try out this statement: "I don't know."

I am human. I am infinite energy in a temporary body; a part of the organism of life, a part of the Great Is, yet small and powerless in the midst of greatness. All our religions teach humility, but how can we call ourselves humble if we claim to actually know the nature of reality, especially if it has only been written by our own hand?

Man, in trying to define God, is edging toward insanity. We are at our most insane when we define ourselves as different or separate from God and from each other because of what we believe, what nation we think we're from, or what color we are. Here is conscious creation in the thick of delusion.

The truth will catch up. We are already one human family, we are one blood, one people, one human race. We just don't all know it yet, even though we do. If there was a Garden of Eden, an Adam and Eve, the first people. They were the ancestors of us all. We all walked out of Africa on our own two feet, and the ones that stayed behind are still our brothers and sisters. If there is a tribe of Israel, God's chosen people, then we are all those people. We are all Jews. We are all Muslims, we are all what we are: perfect and imperfect, yin and yang, empty, whole. At the end of the day there is always the night, but the Sun never stops shining. It's the sun that lights the moon.

So welcome to the Church of the Open Mind. We can have our own beliefs, and believe them devoutly, and still know we don't have a clue. We're the stars of our own little movies in the midst of this bigger movie called life and death, in the midst of a bigger movie called infinity. There is something more going on here than we can comprehend with our limited mortal understanding. If we open ourselves to new possibilities, if we make ourselves vessels for that which is beyond our comprehension, we may begin to create it.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Symbols in the Infinity

Whether we are talking about:



















May we bow before these NAMES as expressions of the same ONE FORCE behind the ALL
may we in humility and prayer
thank It for our life
the blessings of existence
infinite possibility
and Eternal Energy

Let there be:

May Light shine down upon us
May it radiate Love through the universe
May the Earth hold us in her arms
May we do thy will
And love each other

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Welcome to the Club

We human beings have been taught many different things in our differing individual lives. We have been conditioned in different ways depending on our cultures, our life experiences, our religions, or lack thereof. Yet we are one human race, living interdependently upon this planet. This is a world we have never experienced before. The present moment is, as it has always been, new. No matter what we think, or what we think we think, or what we've been taught to think, or what we've been taught not to think, we, as individuals, can't say with certainty what is really true or not true, because so much depends on our conditioning. We, in this one articulation of a limited view of reality, offer this version of an open mind, and base it on the assumption that we humans have, and have always had, that limited view of reality, or what we might call "truth." It has been based on our experiences in these mortal bodies.

We are living in a collection of stories, told to help explain reality, by those who came before us. Sometimes the moment calls for an update, and we are all in this together. We are conscious creators, and the stories we tell make a difference in the lives we experience.

We are finite beings, in these physical bodies at least, whether we assume an after life or not. Therefore, in what appears to be an infinite world of energy, we cannot possibly have a total understanding of our place in the world, nor can we understand the total nature of creation. This philosophy does not reject any truth, it just acknowledges that every truth, or belief, is just as right or wrong as the next one, depending on our limited perspective. So no matter what we believe, and no matter how devoutly we believe it, we can still acknowledge that none of us have a monopoly on "truth."

Most religions suggest humility before "God," yet how can we call ourselves humble if we claim knowledge of the very nature of existence, especially if we are simply reading the story from a book printed at the hands of man?

We live in dying bodies, temporary beings living in measured time. But we live in a universe in the midst of infinities. Behind impermanence is the Great Is, that which has always existed, will always exist and never "existed;" the Thought behind Creation, The No-thing that is beyond time and understanding. The Great Creator. That which is No Thing and Every Thing.

"In the beginning was the void." Or "in the beginning was the Word."

Or as it is expressed in 1 of Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching:

"The Dao that can be expressed is not the eternal Dao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name. 'Non-existence' I call the beginning of Heaven and Earth. 'Existence' I call the mother of individual beings."Everything is perfect. Rarely have we seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path. What path? No path. Just an open mind. We are only the human race. There are no requirements. All the enlightenment has been written by the Genius of mankind for thousands of years. It’s everywhere you look, buried beneath the surface of what has been hiding it from us. The lie. The lie that we are separate from God. The lie that we are fallen. The lie that this is not still the Garden of Eden, that this is not still heaven we are living on. Heaven and Hell are right here on earth, not up in the sky somewhere. We invent our existence, because we are the conscious creators, at the beck and call of the will of the All.

We are small, we live here. The sun and the earth, the perfect symmetry of the universe and our little galaxy, all spinning perfectly so that we get life every day, in the form of light. It’s a miracle. We are at the mercy of the Universe. We live only by the miracle of life. Birth and death, decay and resurrection.

We are nature. We just happen to think about it. We have the weight of existence on our minds. We think, therefore we are confused. In stillness, action. In action, stillness.

Here we are. We don’t understand everything, and we never will. We just keep expanding and evolving. What is true is what we say it is. We are the deciders. What beliefs and what actions will be most beneficial to all life on earth?

Can we spread a message of light, love, hope, faith, beauty, grace, joy, wonder, truth and peace? Can we transcend this story we have been told about our fallenness? We are gardeners, not only of plants, but of thoughts. We play a roll in this game of life like all the rest of matter: the rock, the cockroach, gravity, water, dirt, fire, ant, tree, and lion. We have to decide when we want to hit the delete button on ideas that are no longer helping us create a better reality.

The idea of sin, that we are dying as a punishment for some ancestral misadventure, is this more than just an out of date conceptualization of the fear of decay, a way to understand our suffering? Death is necessary for life. Each of us in our death is a sacrifice to life. Would we be better served by finding a more holistic way of looking at one of the major guarantees in life, which is in this case, death? Can we tell ourselves that we are here to care for life and to pass the garden on to future life, instead of continuing to live in a story that tells us that our job is to have dominion and control over what God gave us? What would it be like to tell ourselves that Mother Earth and Father Sun give us life, that their dance and endless love for each other is the magic that needs no greater god?

Are we reflections of that perfection? Are we the Ubermensch? Did consciousness evolve on this sun soaked earth, just as we did? Have we never been further along than we are now? Is every day another potential step away from Hell, and toward Heaven.

Have we been serving delusion, distraction, selfishness, greed, and separation. Have we been ignoring our higher self, the superconsciousness of which we are all a part? The Ultranet. Are we at the doorway of the day we have never experienced before? Is it time for the evolution of the human mind?

What It Is

What are we doing here? Nothing more than redefining language, culture, living at the apex of evolution, isn’t it time for us to evolve? So what do we do? First we accept that we are no better than anyone else. We are all relatives.

We all came out of Africa, where we started standing on our own two feet a couple million years ago. We are one human race. We are all connected to the most high. We all depend on the dance of this galaxy to keep us alive. We’re just in orbit around the sun, getting the seed of light, and we live. We have so much to be grateful for.

This is not a cruel world. Death is not something to fear. Death is the great sacrifice, it is how we continue to live. Life feeds on death, the dance of darkness and light, both parts of the same thing. Yin and Yang. Male and female, equal parts of the same thing.

We are made for each other, gloriously fitting parts of One. Seed and Womb. Woman, mother, where we come from. Mother just as holy as Father. Mother Earth just as Holy as the Sun in Heaven. What is Heaven? Space. The infinite possibility pool. The amniotic fluid of the universe, the soup from which we emerged. The miracle of infinite possibility which gave us the gift of light and matter.

Welcome to Mindhead, the Ultranet, the superconsciousness of which we are all a part. It’s time for us to rocket into the fourth dimension. Let’s put an end to the lie of separation and begin to build Zion. Heaven on Earth for our people. Iwatchupa. Wetaha.

Letter From 父亲 Krishna Mutter 母亲

My children, why do you remain in the darkness? You are angels. You are matter. If you long to see miracles, look around. Can you see airplanes and helicopters flying through the sky? Are you speaking across continents with wireless communication devices? Are you living in something you can’t believe is true? Do you feel alone, disconnected, and unfulfilled? Have you spent your life being taught to be someone other than yourself?

What you have been taught to see as normal is nothing of the sort.

You have forgotten your true nature, but the truth is still with you. You have inherited from your ancestors everything you need, all the knowledge and information, and all the tools, to rise and become the angels that you are. You are One. You are life. You are matter and energy. This is nature.

Energy is light, and matter is meaningless without it, just as energy has no purpose without matter. The earth may as well not be here without the sun. All would be darkness with no perceiver to observe. Why do you think that the earth revolves around the sun? Because it is what keeps it alive? The earth revolves around the sun and goes on living, and therefore you are alive. The interaction of the earth and the sun, two forces, one light and one dark matter, covered in lots of water, is the reason for life. Simple, no need for understanding what a nucleon is. What is the meaning of life? At its simplest, light plus matter.

The meaning of consciousness is another question entirely, but we’ll get to it some day.

So the earth revolves around the sun, and the sun just gives consistent light, all the time, endlessly, as long as we keep hooping around it, slowly rotating in such a way that land and sea, on all the surface of the Mothership, and all her inhabitants, get Light. Maybe father sun shines so nicely on you because you are the only ones in the universe who seem to notice.

Vater and mutter, the German roots of the English words for father and mother reveal more about what you already knew. You like to think you know more than you’ve ever known before, which is true, but it is also true that you know less. It is difficult to know too many things at once.

Mother, mutter, matter, father, vater; begin to picture a taijitu, the traditional symbol for yin and yang. Even more interesting is the German word for matter, angelegenheit. Don’t let anyone tell you that you are not an angel, nor that you are a fallen angel. You just may not have woken up yet. You are angelegenheit. You are creatures of the Light. Much of your language also comes from the Greeks. Hellas means the Light. You are creatures of the Light!

It’s time you start forgetting much of what you’ve learned because it is no longer serving you. It’s time to start learning what you’ve been taught to ignore: The Truth.

There is a new morning coming, each day, each breath, each moment. NOW.

You have a Mother and a Father. Holy Mother and Holy Sun.

Divinations from the Geese

Our salvation is within us as it is also all around us. We often begin by accepting powerlessness. Then we find our power. Then we bring it down into the core of our being and find the lotus flower. You have the power of the universe inside you.

One of the greatest secrets in the universe is the power of non-violence. If we find our true nature, if we realize our divinity, we will realize love, and in the presence of love, the power of violence is transformed into non-violence, the power which conquers violence. The greatest injustice inflicted upon humanity is that we are trained for violence. We are taught to be separate from ourselves and from each other when our true nature is connectedness itself.

To teach people badly is to teach people that they are criminals and that they need to suppress their nature in order to be good people, when the opposite is actually true. We need to discover our true nature, because at the bottom of ourselves we will find love, not violence. Love is stronger than violence. The loving expression of violence is non-violence. Before violence existed there was no violence. There was void.

The genesis of existence was the ripping apart of the void, when it was separated from itself, and what was emptiness then became existence and non-existence.
One thing is revealed and another is hidden.

So we find ourselves here, communicating in a digital world. It's been two thousand years since we crucified Jesus Christ, and we are still killing each other. But we are finally all in touch. We have gone throughout all the lands of the earth, we have wandered from our homeland, we have prospered, we have survived. It is the dawn of a new age.

What is this internet? What are we discovering in this digital universe which is able to distract us from our immediate neighbors and our surroundings as we walk around and see everyone's eyes attached to their phones and computers instead of to each other? Is there something we found lacking?

Whatever it is, it must be significant because NOW is the moment we have never experienced before. Yet this has always been true and always will be true so long as there is existence.

There is something special about this connectivity. It is a silent revolution. The people are in touch as they have never been before. We may still feel powerless as members of society, but the power, as some dark force outside ourselves, must take heed, because the common man now has access to universal connectivity. The common man is the police. The common man is the military, is Al Qaeda, is Iran, is Pakistan. The common man IS America, even when he is oppressed by it. I AM is the common man, and the force of the universe is in him.

We are in a new age. This is the age of interconnectivity. This is the age where man discovers that he is everyone else. We are all eyes attached to a screen. Whether we are holding a digital screen in our hands, or are looking at the living reality surrounding us. Have we tapped into an alternative universe? Is it possible to separate the universe of screens and letters of virtual communication from the molecules of living matter themselves?

The internet is like having a connection into the heads of everyone else who is connected to this virtual world. TV is not a dissimilar phenomenon, but television is more about receptivity, about taking in, and it is not interactive the way the digital world of connected computers is. There are human eyes staring into the net, building the computer, inventing the reality. What are we staring into? Who are we talking to? Have we only found ourselves as we stare into the screen before us? Who invented the screen and who gives it meaning? Who is the perceiver of creation? Aren’t we seeing with the eyes of creation?

Are we talking to ourselves when we talk to each other? If we are connected to everything around us, then we are talking to separate parts of One. But that separation is only an illusion. Isn’t that what our science has taught us? Isn’t that what our spiritualities have been telling us?

In the beginning was the void, but the void was whole. Was the void encapsulated in the smallest molecule of existence? Inside this molecule was every potentiality in the universe. The void was God. Before it became everything, god was nothing. Then suddenly our science tells us we had a big bang. As the splitting of the atom makes a big bang, so it was when the void split in two. Whatever it was before, it was the mother and father of existence, and all the universes are the realm of its creation.

So with the separation of One into light and dark, positive and negative, male and female, there was suddenly everything, existence itself, and it was expanding. And here we are in the midst of it. Conscious members of creation. All we have ever known is that we were here, looking out at existence. We have been trying to figure it out. We want to know what it all means, but how can a sliver of a finger nail understand the entirety of the body it belongs to?

To explain why we have been trying to shoot ourselves into space with rockets, into unlivable environs, when we have the garden of Eden itself here on earth, with food growing, water to drink, and air to breath, we have to really explore reality. Why would we do something so illogical? It could be that somebody, some scientist maybe, really wants to look at existence objectively, and it can’t be done from in here, in this atmospheric bubble. So he is trying to get out far enough that he can look back down here from an objective perspective.

The problem with this particular scientists’ little project is that there is no out there out there. He’ll still be looking out there from in here. You can’t be alive and truly get out of in here. Enlightenment is still here. No matter how high you go, you are still here. In fact the highest you can get is right now. That’s what existence is. It’s in here. Non-existence is out there. That’s heaven. That’s empty space. That is nothing. Enlightenment is the experience of being fully connected to everything. But only in non-existence is everything whole again. There is no existence in infinity. It just is ever after.

Existence is the experience of being temporary. All things that are alive exist because they will cease to exist. Existence doesn’t exist without non-existence. Nothing is the void.

In the beginning was the void, and to the Void we shall return. Behind the computer is just more void. Behind our selves is the void. In this void we are angels. In here is love. Out there is love. Everything else is just the illusion of separation.

A Quick Note

Psychiatry and psychology are the rational side of the brain telling the irrational side of the brain that it's crazy. Religion, superstition, and belief in the super-natural, is the irrational side of our brain telling the rational side that it's crazy. There is no right or wrong, just two sides, limited by their perspective, parts of One.

Dulces illusion

The orbs of fate spin heartlessly and cruel through infinity
While the seasons make their rotations
And consciousness oscillates between
Being and non-being
And the sheep graze
And the wolves wait
All is quiet as darkness comes

On the opposite side of the same planet
The sun is rising
Everything is spinning in the void
Every possible outcome since the beginning of time
Manifests and disappears
Here we are existing in the midst of non-existence

At least the love was real
As real as all the emptiness
Maybe the empty space,
Inside the empty space,
At the heart of all existence,
Is love
Reality inside out
Maybe everything else is the illusion
Empty and whole
Two poles of one thing
Outside the mind
Just the illusion
Of separation
May all sentient beings be released from the bondage of self.
May the light radiate through the universe and dispel all illusions of separation.
May you be happy
May you be well
May you be free from suffering.

The Courage To Be, Paul Tillich, 1952. from pages 47, 48.

The anxiety of emptiness is aroused by the threat of nonbeing to the special contents of the spiritual life. A belief breaks down through external events or inner processes: one is cut off from creative participation in a sphere of culture, one feels frustrated about something which one had passionately affirmed, one is driven from devotion to one object of devotion to another and again on to another, because the meaning of each of them vanishes and the creative eros is transformed into indifference or aversion.

Everything is tried and nothing satisfies. The contents of the tradition, however excellent, however praised, however loved once, lose their power to give content today. And present culture is even less able to provide the content. Anxiously one turns away from all concrete contents and looks for an ultimate meaning, only to discover that it was precisely the loss of a spiritual center which took away the meaning from the special contents of the spiritual life. But a spiritual center cannot be produced intentionally, and the attempt to produce it only produces deeper anxiety.

The anxiety of emptiness drives us to the abyss of meaninglessness.
Emptiness and loss of meaning are expressions of the threat of nonbeing to the spiritual life. This threat is implied in man's finitude and actualized by man's estrangement. It can be described in terms of doubt, its creative and its destructive function in man's spiritual life. Man is able to ask because he is separated FROM, while participating IN, what he is asking about.

In every question an element of doubt, the awareness of not having, is implied. In systematic questioning systematic doubt is effective... This element of doubt is a condition of all spiritual life. The threat to spiritual life is not doubt as an element but the total doubt.

If the awareness of not having has swallowed the awareness of having, doubt has ceased to be methodological asking and has become existential despair. On the way to this situation the spiritual life tried to maintain itself as long as possible by clinging to affirmations which are not yet undercut, be they traditions, autonomous convictions, or emotional preferences. And if it is impossible to remove the doubt, one courageously accepts it without surrendering one's own convictions. One takes the risk of going astray and the anxiety of this risk upon oneself. In this way one avoids the extreme situation--till it becomes unavoidable and the despair of truth becomes complete.

Am I that I am?

I’m not a big fan of clichés, but in this new millennium they seem hard to avoid. Everything written, in one form or another, has been written before. You can tell a story differently, but it’s probably happened somewhere, sometime, in the past. Someone has likely articulated it.

We have comedy and drama, the laughing face and the sad one. As the Dancing Outlaw said, “there’s love in it, there’s happiness in it, there’s also sorrow, hatred and madness in it.”

I was watching CNN this evening, as I’m prone to do in my weakest moments, and I heard some great advice on Larry King. One of the quantum physicists who spoke in the movie “What the Bleep do we Know” said “let’s say you are sitting on the couch depressed and feeling lousy, ask yourself WHO is depressed?”

This is a great little exercise. It makes you realize that it’s not you. It’s a voice. Like the voice of sorrow, who articulates the sadness of the world, the desperation and desolation of life, it is only a voice, another habit in the void. We could also ask the question in times of ecstasy or happiness, who is happy?

Then we come back to the I AM consciousness. I am that I am. This thing is neither empty nor full, half-empty nor half-full, it just is, and existence as experienced by man is a matter of mind. We are prey to our mind, or we are benefited by it. Existence is many different colors, and one is no better than another. They are all necessary for the comedy or drama which exists in this world of life and death, love and loss, growth and dilapidation.

I am that I am, and I fall victim to the chemical attachments in my brain. Who is addicted to these attachments? Who is prey to ecstasy or sadness depending on circumstances?

The definition of the observer is what is malleable in this odd new world of post relativistic modernity, where everything means nothing, and nothing means everything. Truth has been crushed under the wheels of expanding thought and information. The information superhighway is littered with the writhing bodies of the limited beliefs of our past, yet we are still hardwired for our delusions and addictions, even though we know them to be destructive and not inevitable.

We can only sail on in this odd new world of science, and choose to accept life in all its scientific deconstruction. It’s a strange day indeed when man has broken himself down into molecules. Who is the puppet master of this carbon based, oxygen breathing machine? Is it even possible for the life force to be depressed? What is the observer observing, and can it really separate itself from its own being? Maybe Larry King knows. Time only passes for those who are on the clock.

When the Screen Falls away

Well before I go trying to put myself to sleep, I have to just for a moment stop and swirl the laughing face! And then ask myself, now wait a minute, was the world not completely insane enough, without having to add molecules to the nuclei? LSD.

Flush that perfect union synchronicity out into the everything back into the moment, as the trees breathed as we breathed, and the present suddenly appeared, undeterred. But then here we were, again, humans, in the middle of this universal perfection all breathing together and flowing out into infinity. And we were confused.

This was all so connected and the lines bent to allow us to see the corners of the mystery like tracers clawing round our paws. And there it was. The moment. The present. Perfection in all it's breathing majesty. From the ground through our tissues, we are the fiber of the all. The molecule. It makes up everything.

But that's just the drugs talking, or that's just the truth talking, and maybe normal reality is what's known amongst the druish thinkers as that same old swine rag flemgoribbish as we've heard before.

We have no idea what is going on down here. We want to find and mate and reproduce. How complicated we've made everything with our mighty and grandiose minds. We still eat sleep and fuck, but there is love in everything.

The source. The source of the wind. The breath of the trees we see enveloping each other when we sit and watch them breath. All the dimensions exist at the same time, and they wrap us in secret caves, separate from each other, but all breathing as one. The main organism. The big Secret.

And tomorrow, we wake up, and go to work, and let the train leave the station yet again, from just another pair of worn lenses looking back down the line, and asking why. The dance is circular, like life. "It's all circles" one molecule said to his friend, in the midst of all this meaninglessness. Look at the sunset. Look at the Mountains. The rock beneath our feet, and the creek of reflections flowing through the meadow. The stars in the sky, and we all breath together. Breath in. Breath out. Breath in, Breath out.

Some Excerpts from the Teaching of Buddha

An unenlightened life rises from a mind that is bewildered by its own world of delusion. If we learn that there is no world of delusion outside the mind, the bewildered mind becomes clear; and because we cease to create impure surroundings, we attain enlightenment.

All things are primarily controlled and ruled by the mind and are created up by the mind. As the wheels follow the ox that draws the cart, so does suffering follow the person who speaks and acts with an impure mind.

things are like illusions, they can be said neither to be existent, or non-existent.

A wise man, recognizing that the world is but an illusion, does not act as if it were real, so he escapes the suffering.

Two extremes to avoid, first is extreme indulgence in the desires of the body, second is the opposite extreme of ascetic discipline, torturing one´s body and mind unreasonably.

Things neither exist nor do not exist.

Namu Amida Butsu

navigating emptiness-the beginning

A stairway is not such a difficult thing to navigate, at least on the way up. There may be many steps to take, but if one is young, healthy, and vigorous, he has a good chance of climbing to the highest precipices.

The stairway of life begins with birth; but from here, there is an infinite prismatic galaxy of different stairways leading in the multitude of directions, this labyrinth, with trap doors and passageways, diseases, addictions, abuses, madness, loves, family, dissolution, and certain death. Which way do we go?

Our parents are generally quite important in this passage. One poor family keeps their offspring in their native land, in the face of adversity and struggle, and one gives up their child in adoption to a rich couple up north, who can’t conceive. These stairways lead in different directions, but what with all the unknown factors, there is no telling with any certainty that the child adopted into wealth will fair better than the one who is raised in physical poverty.

We climb these steps blind, as a rule, which is seldom rewarding, though every once in awhile we trip into an upward spiral by the turns of Fortuna’s wheel. We beat the game many times as we expand and disintegrate. We climb these stairs in the dark, in passion, in drunkenness, or we see just before us, but the stairs begin to curve, and we can’t see around the corner. Up and up we go, before we turn and look behind us, at what we have left in our wake.

What passageways have we followed, and which have we passed by? Have we reached a cliff, with nowhere left behind us to go back to, must we step into the abyss, with all its mysteries?

How does one find the emptiness in this world of illusion, which begins the journey toward self-discovery, the emptiness which is preceded by the dissolution of the aggregate I’s we are to disintegrate in order to find our center in the wholeness of the universe, when we are aware of the hallucinations of our reality, created in our perceiving minds, and find One?

Croissant Rouge

Another crackly flip top rolls along the edges
As the jelly begins to bounce
And the field mice scatter
Their home of rotten plywood
Where they lived harmoniously with centipedes
Is violently ripped away
And the little camouflage warriors
And tuxedo clad maestros
Attack each other with empty perceptions
The realities of their existence dug up
Obliterated by sutras

In a smudged glass display case
A number of pastries sit patiently
Waiting for their sweetness to be tasted
Or simply waste away
And Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Expounds on the emptiness of all the forms
And all their aggregates
As the perceiver looks into the pastry case
Watching the girl behind the counter
Place croissants in paper coffins
Offering her prayers to the sentient beings
And cleaning the glass shelves
With a wet green rag

Ramana Maharshi said what?

Why should you trouble yourself about the future? You do not even properly know about the present. Take care of the present, the future will take care of itself.

Christmas Meditation

These hearts that we breath with
This infinite solitude of perfect symmetry and connectedness
The source of truth
The field of nothing
From where existence grew
The manifested form
Pebbles falling into the sea
and the battle with Maya can only be won by admitting complete defeat
With medicine too powerful
Curing a disease which does not exist
The cures the causes of the maladies they fix
What is there to fix if there is nothing wrong?
Like water flowing down stream
There is no resistance
The water has nowhere to go

Here we are
The winterberries
We have nowhere to go

Where am I?
What time is it?

Good morning winterberries
Hello to the dingbats
Children of the earth
Children of the universe
Children of the lie
As the petals fall
Inifinite potential

There was the void
But the void was whole
and so were we
Crushed by the insanity
Of the illusions of our creations
When there was nothing to do
Do was all we did
and we did what we had to do

God bless the winterberries
As we fall

The Circles

In my right hand
This is freedom
Over here
In my left
This is addiction
Freedom is not always fun
But addiction sure can be
We don’t keep hitting the button
Unless the pleasure membrane
Gets its kick
Feeding the ego bubbles
Until the I behind the I
Completely disappears
Writhing in the mire
Of the delusion of separation
As we descend
And another circle
Runs its course
To here
At the roots of freedom
The dilapidated sand castles melt cautiously into themselves becoming sand again. The whole wide emptiness of things orbit each other, dreaming. Out here in the deep infinity of faces, of moons, of halos, stars, and planets, here we are, looking out at each other through our starry planet orbs of eyes. Planets of atoms and nuclei pop and jive and dance in our giant molecules of body. Life, that sweet dream, and only interrupted by consciousness, when we are ripped away from pure being. Suddenly there is yesterday and tomorrow and me and you and them and us. Madness begins to envelope the perfect moment, the now, the interconnectivity field, where it all just is. That’s a bummer. It just blows the whole trip that’s just always already there waiting for us to commune. It’s like it’s saying comm-on-in. In an Om Mani Padme Hum sort of way.


It's all Prayer

25 Tao Te Ching-Wilhelm version

There is one thing that is invariably complete.
Before Heaven and Earth were, it is already there:
so still, so lonely.
Alone it stands and does not change.
It turns in a circle and does not endanger itself.
One may call it 'the mother of the world'.
I do not know its name.
I call it DAO.
Painfully giving it a name
I call it 'great'.
Great: that means 'always in motion'.
'Always in motion' means 'far away'.
'Far away' means 'returning'.
Thus DAO is great, Heaven is great, Earth is great,
and Man too is great.
There are in space four Great Ones,
and Man is one of them.
Man conforms to Earth.
Earth conforms to Heaven.
Heaven conforms to DAO.
DAO conforms to itself.

The First Days

Small Chieftans disappearing into the Andean stream
Walking softly through the French parade
Dreaming about spring
Rejoicing in fields of Jesus colored wheat
Hair fading into the grasses
Drinking blood that tastes suspiciously like wine
Every evening the illusion and the little hearts made of felt
Inflate themselves
and the farm animals shuffle about looking for sex
A million lemmings march off the launching at Niagra Falls
We don't know where we're going
We know where we've been
That place is the same
That's just the same place
There is no negative or positive in the beyond
In the secrets of the beyond
Not the tai ji But the wu ji
Everything is one at the source
What comes
Cannot not come


There are many different levels of reality. At one level everything is dark and humanity is wreaking havoc and destruction on each other and other life on this planet, and the fastest way to cut your carbon emissions is to just lay on down and die. In that light, all the real environmentalists should just freaking kill ourselves because we'll just never ever be perfect angels. But maybe we already are. Isn't that really the question of faith?

Beyond that frequency of an angry god, manifested through our own ego and guilt, is the perfection of the All, the Great Is that lies behind our illusions of free will and the idea that we have control over our destiny. We are all, all of us temporary matter, the rocks and trees, the lizards and monkeys, we're all just orbiting around the sun, right? Floating in the midst of infinities of universes, trapped in time, and the illusion of separateness? So we whipsaw and jabberwalk and complain; and build spaceships and sell bottled water. And Why? Maybe because we had to. Maybe we had to do everything we did. Maybe we had to make all the mistakes we made. Maybe we had to go insane. Maybe we had to hate ourselves and each other. Maybe. Was there any other way?

Because of what is, how can it not be? That's the power many call God. It can be a just God, an angry God, a loving God, a perfect God, an imperfect God. We can define It with all the human attributes we want. It just is what it is brothers and sisters. It is what it is. Here we are. We are the Winterberries, witnessing the past fall away, as we fall.

Faith is not a bad thing. It combats many frequencies of madness. It is a soothing medication, but it has its own dangers. It causes its own frequencies of madness when left unchecked. It is the madness of belief, of faith, which causes more war and pain than any of its rival psychotic states. The rules of the open mind are designed to combat this insanity.

What are the rules of the open mind, and how can they combat the psychosis of unchecked belief in a limited form of reality which causes the blindness of men, and hides ourselves from our own true nature? I don't know. That's the first and maybe the only rule. I'm human, I'm infinite energy in a temporary body; a part of the organism of life, a part of the Great Is, yet small and powerless in the midst of greatness. All our religions teach humility, but how can we call ourselves humble if we claim to actually know the nature of reality?

Man, in trying to define God, is at his most insane. And also we are at our most insane when we define ourselves as different or separate from God and from each other because of what we believe, what nation we think we're from, or what color we are. Here is conscious creation in the thick of delusion. But at the same time, can it be any other way?

The truth will catch up. We are already one human family, we are one blood, one people, one human race. We just don't all know it yet, even though we do. If there was a Garden of Eden, an Adam and Eve, the first people. They were the ancestors of us all. We all walked out of Africa on our own two feet, and the ones that stayed behind are still our brothers and sisters. If there is a tribe of Israel, God's chosen people, then we are all those people. We are all Jews. We are all Muslims, we are all what we are: perfect and imperfect, yin and yang, empty, whole. At the end of the day there is always the night, but the Sun never stops shining. It's the sun that lights the moon.

So welcome to the Church of the Open Mind. We can have our own beliefs, and believe them devoutly, and still know we don't have a clue. We're all in the game. We're all just watching our movies. We're the stars of our own little movies in the midst of this bigger movie called life and death, in the midst of a bigger movie called infinity. It's all going to be alright. It has to be, because it is.

May we Remind Ourselves

I am only human. I don't have any answers. Yet I can have faith. Lord let me never forget that I don't know. Behind I don't know, may the truth be interconnectedness, grant me faith in the Human race, one people, one love. Just a slight move can really change a mans perspective. We get what we need. We appear and reappear and disapear. We die, and are reborn. Namaste. Aloha. Good night.

The Claw Meditation

The Claw Meditation

We all live in the cage, and until we get our claws out, we won’t get out. We are human creators. We are who we tell ourselves we are. And we are always a we, because we are One. The idea of the individual is a lie in terms of spirituality, which we cannot get away from because it is our nature, but separation from the truth has made our conscious lower selves feel separate so that we will mate with our opposite, that which is another part of ourselves. This is just the Zen of nature. We are all still connected in a higher realm.

We are all human down here. Part of the same blanket, but living the human drama, so that we can do our jobs. People have done a great job, even in our wars, and with our inventions we have accomplished a lot, even amidst our idiocy. We have connected ourselves, we have made ourselves one people, one world. We have been marvelous creators.

We are living at the apex of civilization, but as always it is time for us to evolve. We have to choose our reality. We are not choosing the one which is most beneficial to all our brothers and sisters here on earth. It is also not the best one for our mother the earth, and our Father Sun doesn't like when we don’t take care of his lover the earth, this sweet little loving planet which spins around him, and if we don't start doing a better job he might just blink and make us all disappear. The holy spirit is Zen, Om, mother energy, it’s just the infinite amniotic fluid of space, dark matter, deep love and perfection. This is the infinite possibility pool.
Have faith in the Human Race. One people, One love.
Design your own program. G-d doesn't judge. Just be good. If you want to find what you're looking for. Stop looking for it. There it is.

38 of the Dao De Jing -Wilhelm Edition

Whosoever cherishes Life
does not know about Life
therefore he has Life.
Whosoever does not cherish Life
seeks not to lose Life:
therefore he has no Life.
Whosoever cherishes Life
does not act and has no designs.
Whosoever does not cherish Life
acts and has designs.
Whosoever cherishes love acts but has no designs.
Whosoever cherishes justice acts and has designs.
Whosoever cherishes morality acts
and if someone does not respond to him
he waves his arms about and pulls him up.
Therefore: If DAO is lost, then Life.
If love is lost, then justice.
If justice is lost, then morality.
Morality is the penury of faith and trust
and the beginning of confusion.
Foreknowledge is the sham of DAO
and the beginning of folly.
Therefore the right man abides with fullness
and not with penury.
He lives in being, not in sham.
He puts the other away and adheres to this.

If God Could Talk

Hi Crew. Listen, I’m sorry. Sometimes it seems like I’ve forgotten about you, but I haven’t. Listen, it’s hard to be everywhere at once. Try to imagine what my job is like, OK. Like try juggling 7 billion lost angels run amok on earth. I mean, it’s not easy. Let me introduce myself. This is I Am. When I introduced myself in Exodus, I was talking to Moses, at the time talking to the Jews. So I was like yea, I’m the God of Abraham, Jacob, and Isaac. The thing is, and this is why it seems like I forget about you sometimes. So the thing is, well, I’m actually everybodys God. I hate to burst any bubbles. But come on. Seriously. I gave you guys Buddha, Jesus, Mohamed, Bob Marley, Krishnamurti. What do you want? Some folk see me as twos and threes, some conceive me as nothing, some even worship me as the devil, but they’re really just worshipping themselves. Truth be told, I’m all over the place. I’m Nothing. Like emptiness. So forgive me if I’m not around all the time to save the day. I’m nowhere. But if you look, you will also find that I am now here. I’m everywhere. But the big decisions are always left up to Mom.

Here are a few updates:

Stop Killing each other! (Jesus Christ, how many times do I have to say this?)

Find the Light within you. Say a prayer. Thank G-d you’re alive.

And I have to get a little serious here. Because it really bums me out when my children don’t play nicely with each other.

I want to talk about Israel, and this idea of a chosen people. Seems to me that somewhere along the line somebody missed the point, and this topic speaks to the broader issue of a divine humanity dividing themselves, and falling into ignorance. This just makes me crazy. In the first place, Israel means “he who wrestles with God.” Jacob was given the name Israel by an “angel of God” who he wrestled with in the night. Why was he wrestling with an angel, you might ask. Well God only knows, and I’m coming up blank at the moment. According to the book, the angel told Jacob to let him go because it was getting to be daytime. Jacob said he wouldn’t let him go till he got his blessing, so the angel gave him his blessing and the name. Why you want a name and a blessing of an angel who is afraid of daylight is beyond me, and Jesus Christ, I’m God. So get real! Now seriously. It’s over now.

I Am loves Jews, but it’s time you started marrying and uniting with your Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Atheist, Agnostic, and Rastafarian brothers and sisters, because you seem to be missing the point. The tribe of Israel is the tribe of Mankind. All people are your brothers and sisters, may all these limited beliefs be damned! All people are the children of God. And you all seem to wrestle with God. Nobody is perfect. Let it go. You guys got the spot at the appropriate time, after the Egyptian affair, and that’s all she wrote. Now share it with your neighbors, and share yourselves. Everyone wants to be the chosen people, and telling them that you are chosen while they are not has not exactly served your tribe well, people pick on the one they are jealous of. But listen ya’ll, they have nothing to be jealous of, I love them just as much as I love you, because they are all your brothers and sisters, they are you, and you are them. This goes for Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Zoroastrians and the rest, none of you are better than anyone else. You are all just trying to articulate the same thing. There is ONE TRUTH, and it is infinite, just like my love for all of you. But you are finite, in these human bodies at least, so you cannot articulate infinite truth, try as you might. So easy does it. Take it easy on yourselves, and on each other. Love each other.

You are all forgiven. The light of God is in your heart. There is only one tribe now. Mankind. All people are my children. I have no name. I AM each one of you. Within you, is Everything and Nothing. I AM BOTH.

The Tanakh is Old News. It’s out of date. As are most all of your books. It’s time for the literature of the ONE. You are all one, and you have figured it out for yourselves with your own science, limited as it is. The people of Israel are my chosen people, and so is everybody else. Israel is not a state on a map. Israel is a state of mind. You are all Israel, and you don’t have to keep wrestling. Just believe. You can’t separate the holy land from the holy land. The whole planet is holy. Get a new name. And if you are going to let an angel name you, let it be an angel who is not afraid of the light. Names are unimportant anyway. The infinite cannot be fully articulated by the finite. The Hebrews had that right, YHWH, the name you cannot say. The name that cannot be named. The Eternal. Adonai is just another name for the unnameable. Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Rastas and the rest, you are all One People. You are all on the same boat. Open your eyes.